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“A Transitional Model to Enhance The Psychic Being’s Presence”

This is an experiential art and cultivation of an ongoing spiritual culture. The “Transitional Model” is an intent to embrace and dissolve the last captivity of our vital nature, mind, physical and earthly emotions to create a bridge to our psychic beingness coming forth.


The exploration may uncover many formed and archaic ideas of the egoistic way. This is to be expected, examined and allowed to fall into its proper placement. The material presented here is unequivocally in relativity to the teachings and spirituality birthed through Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Integral Yoga. It is each individual’s responsibility to find the matching understandings of what you know from within and what you have studied from without. Discussions afterwards invite the deeper insights and knowings One may have as mirrored to what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have initiated into our shared consciousness. The guidelines to be aware of and make note of will continue to be that of egoistic identity discrimination. This arrangement of knowing, discerning the difference is expected to be already in the forefront consciousness of those ready to allow the psychic being more space and invited arrival.


The Mother spoke of the mind and nature in relation to the emergence of the psychic being, and opening to supramental, truth consciousness as having one of two outcomes. Either the mind will be fully under control or it will dissolve. At this juncture we accept either of these options with the former being the proponent of “transitioning”. The other being the ultimate creative solution possibility to be revealed.


Integral Yoga includes all things as does the Oneness of God. Respectfully, we accept all our egoistic challenges and spiritual progress alongside each individual’s capacity and dedication to practice. The uniqueness of our individuated devotion and discipline is the celebratory diversity of our individuated souls. Ultimately we all arrive in our Oneness yet sustaining some internal identifier that only the individual may know, albeit, with the mind and nature or without.

A practice that I Am offering is experiential, as in, visual. I suggest this as a “Transitional Model” for enhancing the presence of our psychic being. If I were to be in workshop with the participants this is the exercise I would offer. And I have considered offering this via a Live Webcast for those who may be interested.


We begin with a quieting, meditation to create the “poise” for widening our consciousness and inviting-receiving the “force”. (Each of these words used throughout the teachings, poise and force.)

Materials are handed out, drawing paper, pencils, pens, colored or not, etc. During your quiet moments I would offer a guided visualization to prep our consciousness for the creative project at hand.


I had offered an exercise at the September, 2019 Retreat at Sadhana Peetham Ashram in Lodi, California that was an exercise in enhancing the psychic being awareness. I’d like to share this exercise with you to give some understanding of how I approach this.

I was graciously assisted to prepare approx. 30 small vases with elegant flower choices from the garden, 30 being the approx. expected number of participants. These were reverently placed upon the altar awaiting their time of purpose. This was just one of the exercises of the entire workshop titled “Surrender, Mystery and The Psychic Being”.


Prior to exercise movement and sound prompts were given to prepare the body for reception. It was a simple gesture of warming up body and voice as this was the vessel to receive the grace and offering of the psychic being. This exercise was coordinated with a regular practice at the Ashram, Karma Yoga. Karma Yoga would include any of the projects of that time that needed assistance such as; garden, kitchen, birthday card greetings, juicing, etc. The understanding of Karma Yoga is to participate with a meditative focus and understanding of turning the task over to the Divine. I incorporated this understanding and practice with the following and additional exercise.

The instruction included that each individual was to choose a small vase with beautiful flower. This was a symbol representing our psychic being, our soul. As participants engaged in their chosen Karma Yoga they were instructed to tend to their flower and give attention to their flower as though it was their psychic being. As you can imagine this requested quite the attentiveness throughout their project. Imagine doing gardening and you have this fragile vase with flower to tag along. It generated a required attentiveness and ongoing presence no matter what One was doing. The symbolic nature of this exercise becomes quite apparent. In order to invite the psychic being forth One must give attention as much as possible and as sustained as One can apply their discipline. The flower required careful placement, tender care and total awareness throughout the project…as does our inner psychic being. I share this exercise to suggest it is this attentiveness that is required for the following exercise.


Inevitably when we meditate images may occur, light can appear, altered realities may be felt, etc. There are many practices of how to still the interior self. We choose the ones that seem most helpful. Some of us focus on Masters that we have affinity towards or alter items such as candles or pictures. This is a personal choice.


When we read about the psychic being our mind may search for images of what that could mean or look like. We may explore existential ideas for how this transmutation is to occur and ask will we retain these bodies, have new bodies, no bodies?! Sri Aurobindo and The Mother did not demonstrate through embodiment any extraordinary externalization of psychic beingness, as in, the supramental, supermind they spoke of us becoming. Yet we intuitively get invited to grasp and resonate with their consciousness and spiritual interiorization of this path and knowingness. We feel the potential capacity and ever-lutionary possibilities. This is not to say they didn’t demonstrate other potentialities not necessarily seen in the greater peoples. That’s not my point. They spoke of this supramental consciousness as something yet to be revealed but certainly concurrent to the understanding of the psychic being in this here and now.


This exercise is to guide our own developing object of meditative focus to enhance a bridge of consciousness to our psychic being. Inside each and every one of us resides the seeds of this supramental consciousness. Sri Aurobindo and The Mother spoke of “organizing” our psychic being and “poising” ourselves to receive and to “widen” in reception of this progressed consciousness. These prompts were introduced as a way of continually preparing, cultivating the spiritual interiorization in perfect alignment with the will of God.


What I Am offering is a seed, one seed from my own interior knowing. This is a seed that is assisting me in this very moment of writing. It helps me get out of my little self and explore other horizons of receptivity.


So, here you are in a quiet state of being. Remember this is a “Transitional Model” to enhance the psychic being, perhaps, to be considered a visual meditative prompt. Again as the exercise offered at the Retreat it is a “metaphor”, a symbol to jump off from, a guide to facilitate inner focus.

Imagine your interior self, especially the subtle, auric being, the one that is pure energy enthused by the spark of God. Sit with that for a moment. Use your inner eye and scan your entire inner body and energetic field. You may witness dancing molecules of color, sensations of blood flow in your veins or flashes of light. Be open to whatever is presenting itself. Avoid discarding or judging anything. Allow.


According to Quantum Physics we are living in a shared field of energy. Consciousness exists within this energy. The guidance of these studies is to take hold of this interior self and “organize”. Organize is a key prompt for the knowing and embrace of the psychic being.

Now turn your attention to your heart area in front of the body and behind. This is where Sri Aurobindo and the Mother suggests that the psychic being resides. Simply locate this area with your inner eye and kindly say “hello, I welcome deeper understanding of my psychic being”. Relax and surrender to receiving the grace and comfort offered.


There is an interior energetic self that has a subtle form to it. It has channels of life flowing through it. Beneath that sheath is the channel of light, the God Spark that gives life to all the working mechanisms of a humon form, the vital, physical and mind. The Divine Spark is the eternal breath of God. Identify this energetic self from within, let your imagination fulfill the idea and image as it will. This is a concurrence with the mind, perhaps, still a tinge of the ego at work but one under your conscious control none-the-less. Your desire to align with your higher self with assertion upon your mind focuses deliberation and discernment upon the process.


Sometimes these inner visuals of our energetic body can actually resemble extraterrestrial forms and that is fine. You may see your skeletal structure and you may see yourself a bit like a water being, amphibian-like, with fins or gills or tail. Remember when we were incubating in our mother’s womb we actually looked a little fish like. Go with the flow, allow, allow, allow.


Some of you may be traveling by now. You may be experiencing the cosmos, the sun, several layers of beingness…let it all happen. You may be having more of an audio experience, hearing sounds, chimes, drums… all is welcome here. Perhaps colors are being revealed. It is not unusual to see your within as a Master, Avatar, Angel, Spirit…let it flow. There is no limitations. No wrong. No right. You are having an adventure with a Divine intent to know thyself more deeply.


Go more deeply into your meditative poise and now explore where you may find the vital being in yourself, the physical, the mind and the spark of God as you know her. Identify that experience within where you know peacefulness and calm. Discern this identifier from the vital, physical and mind. This is your prayer spot where all else melts away and you are in a relaxed state of communion with the divine.


Give inner awareness to heart space and where the psychic resides. Imagine a golden rod or shaft of light penetrating through the top of your head from the heavens, following your spine, down through to the Earth. Enthuse it with love until it is glowing brightly, breathing deliberately into your heart-psychic space.


Ask this glow to offer an inner form to you, an image of your psychic being, an organized energetic imprint. If there are particular areas of the image offered that you would like more detail, ask for it. Or if you want more information about what is being presented, ask for clarity.

Bring this inner prayer to a close and simply relax, feel the resonance of your inner glow and journey. When ready open your eyes, make small movements and stretching, stay close to your meditative field.


Now take the drawing materials and sketch the image of your interior self, how the inner eye perceived the inner psychic being. If it was audio or colors use marks that indicate those impressions. Allow a cosmic form of this inner beingness to be drawn…always to the best of your ability. One can do nothing incorrectly.


Here before you is an interior image that you have brought forth while in meditation and intent to enhance your psychic being. This image is potent as an object of future meditation practice. You have initiated giving form to something that is deeply seeded within you. If there is to be a supramental form that adjoins to the supramental consciousness then that seed is within. The ever-lutionary consciousness of supramental human may or may not be these earthly forms as they are. However, if we continue to enthuse the consciousness of some evolved form we are continually acknowledging an openness, invitation and progress for that to come forth.

Many of the Avatars and Masters that have walked upon this Earth have demonstrated God Sparked forms appropriate to their times of existence. The understanding now is for each of us to know the Avatar and Master within ourselves.


I propose that this divine imagery can assist us in “organizing” our psychic being. It can give a focus as a “Transitional Model” while still using the mind under control. In this day and age Quantum Physics and extended Cosmic Knowledge can assist in our imagery and conscious knowing that possibilities are expanding. We are being endorsed in our “widening” of consciousness. It is the thread of Divine intent and dedication that keeps the sacred in the forefront. We have the ability to steer our own ship in God’s name and the interior spiritual self is calling us to do just that. We are not steering God. We are steering the intent and focus of our mind, vital and physical to become the supramental human that we are and live Life Divine.


I suggest that this image you have created from the deep reservoirs of Source be included in your meditative practice. Use the visual whether it be an identifiable body form or marks of music and colors from within. Ask to revisit the moments of your creation seed and add this affirmation “I Am organized as my Psychic Being”. Then rest in your divine invocation.


May divine light of God rest and be revealed in all souls as truth be known and progress be shown.

Blue Star Shama Deerwomon

Writing references inspired from “The Integral Yoga” Sri Aurobindo, “Search For The Soul In Every Day Living” The Mother, “The Psychic

Being” Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and “Being of Gold” A Compilation from The Mother’s Writings.

An example of an image I work with:

Psychic Being.jpg
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