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An interactive

children's book for adults too

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Shamanic Improvisation is sensing and feeling, moving and sounding with each and every subtle energy. Through the quieting of within we learn to hear and feel the impulses of our inner dance.

I gently guide you and create a safe environment for you to uncover your Shamanic Dancer-Sounder-Spoken Word Self.

As the journey unfolds you learn about the alchemist within, the be-ing inside of you who transforms and makes necessary changes.

This alchemical magic occurs while dancing "Between the Worlds.


This book is a collection of many experiences in understanding myself as multi-dimensional. It is written rather freely in a unique multi-dimensional style. Sometimes I write in 1st person as the voice from within and other times I write in 2nd person as the voice within speaks to me. It varies one excerpt to the next.  I trust the mixing of my varied inner voices represents the flavor of a multi-faceted be-ingness.

The content is poetic, rhythmic, cosmic, resonant and a transmission. My suggestion is to simply experience this word book, follow the energetic trail and then decipher it from your own energetic be-ing. It's the kind of book you sit with after reading a few lines or paragraphs. That is the flow of how I wrote it, a few insights would impulse me followed by many pauses, dropping back into meditation, having an illumined thought and then putting it into words.

I know this content won't resonate with everyone and, of course, that is well and good. However, I do hope these messages reach who they were intended for and assist in knowing "we are not alone".

The Akashic Records speak to me “Continue To Write The Sacred Texts". Ask questions as the format. Listening to my recordings and my writings will assist in creating the questions. This information was offered in an intuitive reading not very long ago. I was told I would be offered an opportunity I had been asking for but when it would be presented to me I would have fear. I asked what was the fear about and the response was I would have to organize myself. In these writings I am speaking my truths. Inevitably and hopefully, I am breaking all the rules. I am writing following no guidelines or formats, no grammatical constraints. The truths that I reveal and the truths that speak to you are totally up to you, the reader. I have no attachment to anyone’s critiquing or judgement of what I share. I only speak my truth. You are solely empowered to take this journey and choose what resonates and doesn’t resonate for you.
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This is an assortment of writings that I have posted on my WordPress Blog In a way there is a journey reflected here of my spiritual quest. I share the ups and downs, crashes and burns and the moments of grace and enlightenment. I feel there are breadcrumbs in these writings for anyone seeking that deeper contact from within. And there are thoughts written that may inspire thinking out-of-the-box as well.
This is a collection of curriculum scores for teaching "Shamanic Improvisation". This includes a body of work I created over 35 years ago. The material presented is from 2008 to present. I recommend the 1st book "Shamanic Improvisation" as a complimentary and introductory book to assist in the understanding and application of "Scores".
Quantum Physics has already determined that Science and God have met at a Unity Consciousness level. God is now a given in the Source of all things. Our relationship and inner knowing of God is what determines our ability to utilize these inherited gifts. The process begins with identifying the Laws of God. In a deep state of meditation allow the visuals of Sacred Geometry to emerge. Trust the symbols and talents of Divine Law. Jesus knew these laws and demonstrated the ability to heal and raise the dead. He also stated “ shall do more than this...”.
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These are resonant messages via intuitive insights and meditations. I share these writings to inspire and offer potential mirroring for anyone seeking and traveling on their spiritual journey.
Also available as an audio
for free
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Informing The Future is an acknowledgement that each and every one of us has a message within. We are Informing The Future with every truth and knowing that is unique to our individuated selves. It occurred to me years ago that the moment we project an idea into form it becomes archaic. I Am a true warrior of improvisation and have always felt there is nothing more authentic than spontaneity, be-ing in the moment. It seems this way is so clean and immediately femifested directly from Source. It was the pre-fabricated creations that first went through mental gyrations and manipulations that I felt were old and crusty the moment they arrived. But the freshness of clear outburst unencumbered by chewing before spewing was such a delightful sensation. “Informing The Future” is a collection of premonitions, insightful viewings and divinity unveiled. It is derived from a lifetime or perhaps even lifetime(s) of observing deeply. I Am nudged to be the scribe that I Am all for divine purpose.


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